Are you looking for a more effective way to burn calories and get in shape? Have you ever considered yoga? Contrary to popular belief, yoga isn’t just about meditation and relaxation. It can also be a great way to boost your metabolism and increase calorie burn. In fact, there are plenty of yoga poses that can be used to help you shed those extra pounds. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a beginner, these 10 yoga poses are a great way to kick-start your weight loss journey. So, grab your yoga mat and get ready to feel the burn!

10 Yoga Poses to Blast Calories

  • Warrior I
  • Sun Salutations
  • Plank
  • Bridge Pose
  • Chair Pose
  • Standing Forward Bend
  • Side Plank
  • Low Lunge
  • Boat Pose
  • Chair Twist

1. Warrior 1
This warrior pose will help you to build stamina and strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Additionally, this pose also helps to open up your hips and chest which can improve your posture. Begin by standing with your feet hip-distance apart and taking a long step back with your left foot. Turn your left foot so that it’s at a 45-degree angle, and then bend your right knee so that it’s directly over your ankle. Lift your arms above your head and hold for several breaths before switching sides.

2. Sun Salutations

Sun salutations are a great way to warm up the body and get the blood flowing. This flow can help to burn calories while also improving flexibility and strength. Start in mountain pose at the top of your mat, inhale while reaching both arms up overhead, then exhale as you fold forward with an extended spine, bringing hands to the floor or blocks if needed. Inhale halfway up for a flat back, then exhale back down into a forward bend. Step back into plank position then lower yourself down to the ground in a chaturanga push-up position before pushing up into upward dog and downward dog. Step or jump forward into forward bend again then inhale as you return to mountain pose.

3. Plank

The plank is an excellent core-strengthening pose that targets the abdominal muscles while also working the arms, shoulders, and back muscles. Start on all fours with wrists directly under shoulders, fingers spread wide apart as you lift onto toes pressing heels towards wall behind you – holding for at least 30 seconds (more if possible!) before lowering knees down.

4. Bridge Pose

The bridge pose targets the glutes, lower back muscles, and hamstrings which makes it an effective yoga pose for burning calories while also toning muscles in these areas. Lie on your back with feet hip-width apart, knees bent and palms down at sides. Inhale as you lift your hips up towards the ceiling, pressing feet into the floor and lifting through glutes. Hold for a few breaths before lowering back down.

5. Chair Pose

The chair pose is an excellent way to work the legs, glutes, and core muscles while also improving balance. Start in mountain pose with feet together before sitting back into an imaginary chair with knees bent and arms lifted above your head.

6. Standing Forward Bend

The standing forward bend is an excellent way to stretch the back of your legs while also working the core muscles. Begin in mountain pose with feet hip-distance apart then fold forward from your hips with a straight spine as you exhale.

7. Side Plank

The side plank is a challenging pose that targets the oblique muscles and core muscles while also improving balance. Begin in plank position, then shift onto one hand with arm extended upwards and feet stacked on top of each other.

8. Low Lunge

The low lunge is a great way to open up the hips while also strengthening your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Begin in a high plank position then step right foot forward between hands as you lower down onto left knee for a low lunge position.

9. Boat Pose

Boat pose is an excellent way to work on improving core strength while targeting the abdominals and lower back muscles. Sit upright on your mat with legs extended out in front of you then lean backward slightly as you lift both legs off the ground and keep them extended straight out in front of you.

10. Chair Twist

This twisting pose works to strengthen the abs, hip flexors, and back while also detoxifying internal organs such as kidneys and liver which can help support weight loss efforts by releasing toxins from body over time! Start by sitting upright in chair pose before twisting torso towards right side as left elbow reaches towards right knee and right arm extends into air. Switch sides and repeat.

Start A Routine

Yoga is a fantastic way to burn calories and stay fit. If you want to take your practice to the next level, start with the basics like mountain pose and downward facing dog. These simple poses will help you build a strong foundation and prepare your body for more intense movements. As you progress, try incorporating more challenging poses like sun salutations and warrior sequences into your routine. Not only will you feel the burn in your muscles, but you’ll also be burning calories at the same time. So don’t be afraid to push yourself and try new poses – it’s all worth it when you see the results in the form of a leaner, stronger body.

Bridge pose, standing forward bend, side plank, plank – do these names ring a bell? These are just some of the yoga poses that can help you burn calories and achieve your fitness goals. Yoga is great not just for improving flexibility and reducing stress, but also for helping you shed some extra pounds! Just think about it – not only are you holding different asanas (poses) for extended periods of time, but you’re also engaging your core and using your own body weight to build strength and burn calories. So if you’re looking to switch up your workout routine and want to burn calories while also improving your overall well-being, give yoga a try!

Activate Muscle Groups

When it comes to burning calories through yoga, there are certain poses that can be especially helpful. One great way to increase the intensity of your practice is to move into poses like warrior II or chair pose. These postures work to activate different muscle groups throughout your body, helping you to burn even more calories in the process. Warrior II, for instance, is a powerful pose that can target your thighs, hips, and shoulders, while chair pose engages your legs and core. By incorporating these poses into your yoga routine, you can elevate your heart rate and get the most out of your calorie-burning workout. So, if you’re looking to take your yoga practice to the next level and burn some serious calories, consider adding these poses to your routine.

Thus, while yoga may not be the most intense form of exercise when it comes to burning calories, it does offer numerous benefits for overall health and wellbeing. By practicing yoga as a daily routine, you can improve your flexibility, strength, and balance, as well as reduce stress and anxiety. Furthermore, by focusing on your breath and staying present in each pose, you can stay connected to your body and mind, which can help you make more mindful choices when it comes to nutrition. So, while burning calories may not be the primary reason for practicing yoga, it can certainly be a beneficial side effect.

How Yoga Can Help Increase Calorie Burn

Yoga is a great workout for burning calories. This low-impact exercise not only helps reduce body fat but also tones muscles, improves overall strength, stamina, and posture. According to research, practicing yoga for an hour can burn up to 500 calories depending on the intensity of the workout. Different yoga poses like the sun salutation or vinyasa flow can increase the heart rate and accelerate calorie burn. The combination of physical movement and breathing techniques involved in yoga helps burn calories faster and effectively. In addition to calorie burn, yoga can also help reduce stress, improve flexibility and balance, and overall mental health. So, if you’re looking for a fun and effective way to burn calories while improving your physical and mental well-being, yoga is definitely worth a try.

If you’re looking to burn calories during your yoga practice, opting for dynamic movements is the way to go. Many yoga poses involve such movements that help to raise the heart rate, resulting in a higher calorie burn than if you did a static yoga pose. For instance, transitioning from Downward Dog to Warrior One requires controlled movement, which burns more calories than holding either pose for a sustained period of time. So, instead of sticking to the same pose for minutes on end, try incorporating more movement in your practice for an effective calorie burn. Remember, however, that yoga isn’t just about burning calories – it’s a holistic practice that benefits your mind and body in numerous ways.

Toning Your Body

In addition to toning and strengthening the muscles, low lunge, boat pose and chair twist can also help to burn calories. These poses require a significant amount of energy and effort, which in turn can increase the heart rate and raise the metabolic rate. This increase in metabolic rate can help to burn calories both during the workout and afterwards, as the body works to repair and recover from the exercise. By incorporating these poses into a regular yoga practice, individuals can promote weight loss and improve overall fitness. Additionally, practicing these poses with proper form and breathing techniques can help to develop a mind-body connection, which can lead to healthier lifestyle choices and habits.

Yoga is a holistic practice that can benefit your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Practicing yoga regularly can help reduce stress, improve flexibility and balance, enhance muscle tone and strength, and increase overall body awareness. So, while power yoga and vinyasa flow may be effective for weight loss goals, don’t forget to also incorporate other forms of yoga such as restorative or yin yoga to experience the full range of benefits that yoga can offer. Keep in mind that yoga is not a quick fix or a magic solution, but rather a journey towards a healthier and happier you.


In conclusion, yoga is a great way to achieve your fitness goals and boost calorie burn. Incorporating these 10 yoga poses into your exercise routine can help increase metabolism and promote weight loss. Remember, it’s important to listen to your body and start slowly if you’re new to yoga. With practice and determination, you can begin to see the results of your hard work on and off your yoga mat. So, why not give it a try? With a little patience and consistency, you’ll be amazed at how far you can go on your weight loss journey. Namaste!